
Hoe zit dat eigenlijk bij jou en de mensen om je heen? Gebruik de ‘Hoe sterk is jouw team?’-checklist van de Shell Pernis Kinderraad om dat uit te vinden! Deze kun je gebruiken in je klas, sportteam of werkgroepje, maar je kunt hem ook testen met je vrienden. Volg samen de checklist en ontdek hoe sterk jouw team is!

Hoe sterk is jouw team?

Kinderraad checkt het D&I beleid

De Kinderraad deed onderzoek naar hoe de medewerkers bij Shell Pernis samenwerken om een superteam te vormen. Daarover maakten de kinderen een filmpje. Bekijk het hier!

Checklist superteam

De Shell Pernis kinderraad 2016 checkt het D&I beleid van Shell!

Title: The Shell Pernis children’s council 2016 checks Shell’s D&I policy measures

Duration: 09:57 minutes


Video about the Shell Pernis children’s council investigating Shell’s DI. Policy. They made their own checklist and talked to different Shell employees.

84849_The Shell_Pernis_children’s_council_ENG_Transcript

[Music plays]

Happy - Pharrel Williams starts playing and fade to background when talking starts.

[Video footage]

One movement shot of a boy and a girl of the children’s council in red overalls with Shell logo being followed. They are walking up the stairs where more children of the council in the same overalls are already seated and join them before they start talking to the camera.

[Text displays]


[All the children]


[Girl, Kiara]

Together with six other kids from primary schools in Hoogvliet, Spijkenisse, Vlaardingen, Schiedam, Pernis and Portugal.

[Boy, Luca]

The Shell Pernis children’s council.

[Boy, Christopher]

During our investigation, in-depth lessons and excursions we found out a lot more about Shell Pernis.

[Video footage]

Wide shot of two children and a Shell office worker standing in front of the office window looking outside. Medium shot of them looking outside and the office worker is pointing at the Pernis facility outside. Wide shot of the kids of the children’s council walking up to a fire truck in an engine house guided by three Shell employees.

[Voice of girl, Anouk]

We have studied the daily activities of the people at Shell Pernis

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Shell employee explaining things to the kids in front of the fire truck.
Medium shot of same employee explaining to one of the kids something while standing outside the engine house.

[Voice of girl with long brown hair]

Meanwhile we have also become experts…

[Video footage]

Medium shot of the girl with long brown hair sitting on the stairs among the other kids talking to the camera.

[Girl with long brown hair]

… in safety, personnel policy and Diversity & Inclusion.

[Video footage]

Medium shoulder shot of employee sitting and talking with two kids at a table.
Wide side shot of another employee also sitting with two kids at a table talking.
Medium shot of the two kids of the last shot talking.

[Voice of one of the other kids]

A diverse team makes you stronger and that is what Shell is aiming for.

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Sanne, one of the kids sitting on the stairs talking to camera.


All kinds of people can come here…

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Anouk talking at a table to someone.

[Voice of Sanne]

… and are being welcomed.

Medium shot of Sanne and the girl with long brown hair talking to camera.

[Girl with long brown hair]

So it doesn’t matter where you come from,...

[Video footage]

Medium shot of female employee explaining to kids. Wide shot of male employee giving a presentation to the kids and some staff .

[Girl with long brown hair]

… what you believe in and if you are a boy or a girl.

[Video footage]

Medium shot of three kids on the stairs. The boy, Maximilliaan, is talking to the camera.


If everybody just uses their strengths while working together, you get better results.

[Video footage]

Several shots of the kids attending lectures and talking to Shell staff in a conference room.

[Voice of Kiara]

Because we find all this very important, we advised Shell to tell more people…

[Video footage]

Kiara on the stairs among others and speaking to camera.


About this way of working.


Medium shot of Luca speaking to camera.


Alongside Luca a checklist on red appears saying:


  • Everybody is welcome
  • Boys and girls together
  • We come from everywhere
  • We work together
  • We learn from each other
  • We compliment each other
  • We allow each other to have space and be ourselves
  • We understand each other


With the reference of this checklist, that you can also use at your school, we will check if Shell meets these requirements.

[Video footage]

Shots of the children being given a safety briefing by a Shell employee in full PPE.

[Video footage]

Kiara on stairs among others and speaking to camera. Other children nod when she finishes talking.


Shall we first ask the director if he also thinks all of this is important?


Music stops

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Director of Shell Pernis, Jos van Winsen, talking to interviewer.


Overlay saying:

Jos van Winsen
Director of Shell Pernis.

[Jos van Winsen]

Diversity and Inclusion to me means having a lot of diverse people in our working space. Men, women, old, young, different nationalities, different religions. As much diversity as possible so that it creates a representative reflection of our society and better decision making is possible. Different ideas make discussions and making decisions better which is good for Pernis.


Full red slide saying:

1. Everybody is welcome

[Voice of kid]

One! Everybody is welcome.

[Video footage]

Kids standing outside on the facility each saying one sentence in a different language.


Welkom, Welcome, Bienvenue,karşılama, dobrodošli


Let me walk to Miquel now.


What do you mean - Justin Bieber starts to play in the background.

[Video footage]

Kiara is followed by the camera walking up to Miquel, a Shell employee standing in full PPE next to the road. Medium shot of Kiara talking to Miquel.


What is your profession and how long have you been working for Shell?

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Miquel talking to camera and Kiara.


Overlay saying:
Miquel Joaquin Kanda
Process operator


I did an internship for 5 months and then I applied for a job. Now I’ve been working with Shell for 2 months. I am an operator


Why is it important to feel welcome and have you experienced it yourself?


I am a real team player and as an operator you need to be one. When I joined this team my colleagues really took care of me and made me part of the team which really meant a lot to me. I can ask them whatever question and I always get an answer. I find that really pleasant and that’s part of the reason I like coming to work so much


Music stops


Footage is frozen and the checklist reappears again.
‘Everybody is Welcome’ is being checked off.




Full red slide saying:

2. Boys and girls together

[Kids voice]

Two!. Boys and girls together!

[Video footage]

Medium shot of little boy Christopher in front of the camera with Maximilliaan and the brown-haired girl in the background.

[Brown haired girl]

Boys can focus well on one thing at the time.


Girls can do a lot of things at once.

[All three]

But if you work together, you are really a good team!


Let’s see how that works in the contolroom. Will there be women working there too?

[Video footage]

Medium shot of a Merel, a female worker, standing in the control room talking to camera.


Overlay saying
Merel Louter
Permit and process Operator


Yes, certainly there are women working in the control room too!
And what is it we do as Process operators? As Process operators we operate the factory. Men and women, everyone is working absolutely great together in the control room. I’ve been doing this for 17 years and we have been doing great. I hope more women will come.


Footage is frozen and the checklist reappears again.
‘Boys and girls together’ is being checked off.

[Voice of kid]



Light it up - Major Lazer starts playing and fade into the background when talking starts.


Full red slide saying:

3. We come from everywhere

[Voice of kid]

Three! We come from everywhere!

[Video footage]

Panning shot of some of the kids standing in a row ending with a Shell employee called Hacib Benaissa

[Girl with the brown hair]

I am ⅛ part Slovakian


I’m part Surinam, Indonesian, Greek, Dutch and Chinese.


We represent a lot of different cultures that way.


At Shell more than 12 different cultures are represented.


Overlay saying:
Hacib Benaissa
PTM coordinator and Smat-M Super User


My name is Hacib Benaissa. I work as a technologist here in Shell Pernis. I arrived in December and I felt really welcome. It is a very diverse and welcoming environment.
I am myself French - Algerian, I work in a Dutch, mainly, environment. I speak three languages: French, Algerian and English. But I am learning Dutch as well. Shell Pernis, and Shell in general, is a very diverse and inclusive company. It provides facilities for you to, basically, be yourself. If you need to pray, there will be a prayer room made available to you. That’s the diversity side. But also inclusiveness means that I will also make an effort to understand my Dutch colleagues and make sure that I am part of their team. And I think Shell Pernis, and Shell in general, allows and provides for that.


Footage is frozen and the checklist reappears again.
‘We come from everywhere’ is being checked off.


Happy - Pharrel Wiliiams starts playing the chorus and fades to the background when talking starts.

[Voice of kid]



Full red slide saying:

4. We work together

[Voice of kid]

Four! We work together!

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Christopher, Kiara, and Luca standing next to Stefan, a deaf Shell employee who is translated by a sign interpreter, in the Central workshop.


So how does that work within Shell?


Overlay saying:
Stefan de Visser
Maintenance Central Workshop


Collaboration within Shell is going really perfect. Because at Shell they are open to hearing people, people that are hard of hearing, for the deaf, for men and women, all kinds of different people, also with handicaps. It just doesn’t matter. And they all try to adapt to each other. The collaboration within Shell...We are always looking on how to solve things and that is working perfectly.

[Music plays]

Happy - Pharrel Williams swells and fades to background when talking starts.


Footage is frozen and the checklist reappears again.
‘We work together’ is being checked off.

[Voice of kid]



Full red slide saying:

5. We learn from each other

[Voice of kid]

Five! We learn from each other.

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Anouk and Christopher sitting at a table and talking to the camera.


There’s a lot of people here that are really good at something. If you work together, you also learn from each other. Will you be able to learn something from your boss too?

[Video footage]

Medium over shoulder shot of Anouk and Christopher turning their heads to another person at the table and talking to her.


Who are you and what is your profession?

[Video footage]

Medium over shoulder shot of Linh, Maintenance Supervisor Excellence, answering the kids.


Overlay saying:
Linh Ta Cam
Maintenance Supervisor Excellence


My name is Linh, I am Maintenance Supervisor Excellence and I have a team of 22 men and women. We prepare the maintenance work for the maintenance organisation. We also arrange the scheduling. And aside from that we also make sure our budgets and payments to contractors are not exceeded.

[Video footage]

Medium over shoulder shot of Anouk and Christopher turning their heads to another person at the table and talking to her.


What do you learn from people that are working for you and what do they learn from you?

[Video footage]

Medium over shoulder shot of Linh answering the kids.


When you say you are a boss, most people think you are just giving orders and telling people what to do. But in my team we actually collaborate very closely together. And my team teaches me a lot. Because some of them have been working for Shell for over 35 years and I have only been with Shell for 6 years. So, they have a lot more knowledge about Pernis than I have. What I bring to the table is maybe a plan and a vision, saying this is where we want to go. To which they explain how that could be achieved, and together we build a plan to achieve it.


Footage is frozen and the checklist reappears again.
‘We learn from each other’ is being checked off.

[Music plays]

Keeping your head up- Birdy starts playing the chorus and fades to background when talking starts.

[Voice of kid]

And that’s another one! Check!


Full red slide saying:

6. We compliment each other

[Voice of kid]

Six! We compliment each other!

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Maximilliaan and Sanne sitting next to each other towards the camera talking.


My gosh. You are such a great presenter!


Well, thank you ! But actually everyone should compliment each other.
Don’t you agree, Jaap?

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Jaap van der Helm, Rotating Equipment Engineering Manager, talking to camera.


Overlay saying:
Jaap van der Helm
Rotating Equipment Engineering Manager.


I totally agree with that! And within Shell we find it very important to give each other compliments. Because often you work on something together in a big team. And if aloof that work went very well, we find it important that the hard work is rewarded. At Shell there are lots of ways to reward each other. Sometimes you can even get a nice dinner or trip that way. Just so you will know that your hard work is acknowledged by the rest of the company. And that helps, because it helps employers be more motivated to come to work, which in return helps the company function better as a whole.


Footage is frozen and the checklist reappears again.
‘We compliment each other’ is being checked off.

[Voice of kid]

Check! We got that one!


Full red slide saying:

7. We allow each other to have space and be ourselves

[Music plays]

Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros starts playing and fades to background when talking starts.

[Voice of kid]

Seven! We allow each other to have space and be ourselves!

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Kiara and Anouk sitting next to each other towards the camera talking to camera.


We find that important because that way you can be at your best.


We will be asking a few questions to Ginny.


Who are you and what do you do?

[Video footage]

Head shot of Ginny Vreds, Coordinator Busines support Projects & Turnarounds, Answering the question.


Overlay saying:
Ginny Vreds
Coordinator Business support Projects & Turnarounds


I am Ginny Vreds, and within Shell I work in the business support team where we give support to projects and turnarounds.

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Kiara and Anouk sitting next to each other towards the camera talking to Ginny.


Do you get enough space to be yourself? And do you give the same space to others?

[Video footage]

Head shot of Ginny Vreds, Coordinator Business support Projects & Turnarounds, Answering the question.


Yes, I certainly get enough space to be myself within Shell, at least that’s how I experience it. As for an example of what we do for others: There’s the fact that there are female welders as well as male ones nowadays. As a support team, we need to take that into account and create good facilities for those ladies as well. Another example might be when we want to give the workers outside some tractation for doing good work in a safe manner. Then together with the catering service we will have a look at the different cultures and food habits within the teams and take that in account too.


Footage is frozen and the checklist reappears again.
‘We give each other space to be ourselves’ is being checked off.

[Voice of kid]

We are on a roll here! Check!


Full red slide saying:

8. We understand each other

[Music plays]

Uptown Funk - Bruno Mars starts playing and fades to background when talking starts.

[Voice of kid]

Eight!! We understand each other!

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Maximilliaan and Anouk sitting next to each other towards the camera talking to camera.


Understanding each other means understanding each others circumstances and home situation.

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Martijn Spoor, Quality Manager SDA project, talking to camera.


Overlay saying:
Martijn Spoor
Quality Manager SDA project


Understanding each other is of importance if you want to work together. For example, I lived in Kazakhstan last year. In mid-summer it is about 40 degrees out there. In the midst of Ramadan people are not allowed to eat or drink during the day. In that circumstance it is quite important to understand each other and not to drink a can of coke in front of someone. And if someone in your soccer team is out of focus, then you could start yelling at him, but you could also ask him if he is alright instead. If for example his parents are in the middle of a divorce, then the whole team just needs to step up then. That’s how you work together properly.


Footage is frozen and the checklist reappears again.
‘We understand each other’ is being checked off.

[Voice of kid]

Let’s check that one off too! Check!

[Music plays]

Happy Pharrel Williams starts playing in the background

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Maximilliaan and Anouk sitting next to each other towards the camera Anouk is talking to the camera while Maximilliaan is showing off his muscles.


This was the last point on our checklist!
You can conclude that Shell Pernis has a extremely strong team

[Video footage]

Wide shot of all the kids sitting on the stairs facing the camera.


Would you also like to know how strong your team or class is?


Then investigate with the checklist!

Music plays]

Happy - Pharrel Williams music swells before fading out.


Red slide with logo of the children’s council saying:

Shell Pernis

White slide with Shell logo and De kleine ambassade logo

Disclaimer on white saying:

This film is made on behalf of Shell Pernis,
In cooperation with the Shell Pernis Children’s Council
(an initiative of Shell Pernis and De Kleine Ambassade).

The checklist is based on Shell’s Diversity and Inclusion policy.

Another disclaimer on white saying:

For more information about the Shell Pernis Children’s Council
Please visit

Fade to white